Curriculum Vitae
Erin L. McCoy has worked as a writer, book editor, educator, translator, and photojournalist.
Her extensive experience in the arts combined with her background as an editor, marketing director, and award-winning photojournalist uniquely qualifies her for a variety of positions in arts and nonprofit organizations, as well as in education. The following constitutes a selection of Erin’s professional experience in the world of literature.
Table of Contents
Creative Writing Awards & Recognition
Latest News:
I have six poems forthcoming in American Poetry Review and the Seventh Wave.
My poem, “How a lake flash-froze a herd of horses,” was selected for the Best New Poets 2021 anthology by Kaveh Akbar.
MFA in Creative Writing, Poetry, from the University of Washington
MA in Hispanic Studies from the University of Washington
B.A., University of Louisville, 2008
Degree in Spanish, minors in French and Russian
Magna Cum Laude
Poetry & Fiction Publications.
The cover of Best New Poets 2017
Erin L. McCoy is the author of Wrecks, forthcoming from Noemi Press in October 2025 and a finalist in the Noemi Book Awards.
See a complete list of her publications in poetry and fiction on the writing publications page.
Creative Writing Awards & Recognition.
“How a lake flash-froze a herd of horses,” selected by Kaveh Akbar for inclusion in Best New Poets 2021 anthology.
“Woods”: Finalist for the Missouri Review’s 2021 Miller Audio Prize and featured on the Miller Aud-Cast (February 2021). Learn more + listen to the poem.
“How a lake flash-froze a herd of horses,” second place in the 2019–2020 Rougarou Poetry Contest, judged by CAConrad.
Kentucky Writers' Fellowship, Baltic Writing Residencies, 2019
“Futures,” selected by Natalie Diaz for inclusion in the Best New Poets 2017 anthology. Learn more.
Joan Grayston Poetry Prize, University of Washington, 2017
University of Washington’s Grace Milliman Pollock Scholarship (2016–2017)
Oakley Hall III Memorial Scholarship to attend the Community of Writers, Squaw Valley, California (2016)
Finalist, University of Washington Academy of American Poets Prize (2015)
Finalist in fiction, 2012 and 2011, Summer Literary Seminars Unified Literary Contest.
Finalist in poetry, 2010 Summer Literary Seminars Unified Literary Contest.
University of Louisville Creative Writing Scholarship, awarded for poetry (2007).
Academic & Nonfiction Publications.
Poéticas, an academic journal based in Spain that published Erin L. McCoy’s paper, “A New Galician Poetics: Self-Destruction and Rebirth in the Work of Contemporary Female Poets.”
“La asignación de culpabilidad en el romance La caza de Celinos” (“The Attribution of Guilt in the Ballad, The Hunt of Celinos”), eHumanista, vol. 43, 2019.
“Una nueva poética gallega: autodestrucción y renacimiento en la última poesía femenina” (“A New Galician Poetics: Self-Destruction and Rebirth in the Work of Contemporary Female Poets”), Poéticas, September 2016.
Presented papers on Spanish literature and poetry at 4 conferences:
Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (2016)
North American Symposium of Galician Studies Conference (2016)
Samuel G. Armistead Colloquium in Latin American and Peninsular Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (2015)
Spanish Matters Colloquium on Cultural and Literary Studies in the Hispanic World (2015).
Presented a paper on what creative writing teachers can learn from study abroad pedagogy for the University of Washington’s Praxis Conference on Multilingual Learning (2015).
Authored or co-authored 12 nonfiction books for young adults, published by Cavendish, including:
Global Warming
Immigration: Welcome or Not?
Poverty: Public Crisis or Private Struggle?
Health Care: Universal Right or Personal Responsibility?
Church and State: Is a True Separation Possible?
Military Might and Global Intervention: Meddling or Peacemaking?
Incarceration: Punishment or Rehabilitation?
Published hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles as a freelance journalist and as a reporter/photographer and News Editor at the Kentucky Standard. See entry under “Work Experience” below for more on my freelance work.
Wrote blog entries for independent publisher Sarabande Books during my time as an editorial intern, January–May 2010.
“Frantz Fanon’s Call to Anti-Colonial Violence.” Research paper, ProQuest’s CultureGrams website, Oct. 2011.
Volunteered and blogged at the 2009 Women’s Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Maintained a personal blog during my 10 months in Malaysia as a Fulbright Fellow.
Native English speaker. Fluent in Spanish and French conversation, reading, and writing. Some Russian and Malay.
Other Awards.
Fulbright Fellowship: English Teaching Assistantship in Malaysia: Jan.-Oct. 2009.
Critical Languages Scholarship to study Russian in St. Petersburg, Russia: Summer 2007.
22 photojournalism awards from the Washington Press Association and the Kentucky Press Association for investigative reporting, feature writing, photography, and page design.
Teaching Experience.
I have taught community writing classes at The Porch (Nashville), Inprint (Houston), Keep St. Pete Lit (St. Petersburg, FL), and Open Books: A Poem Emporium (Seattle).
Academic Specialist — Test Innovators (2018–Present)
Specialize in test-preparation skills for the SSAT, ISEE, SAT, and ACT.
Teach students one-on-one from elementary through high school level.
Teach and design custom test-preparation courses for schools.
Teacher, Program Leader — Putney Student Travel (Summer 2018)
Led a group of 30 high school students to seven different destinations in Spain over a five-week summer study abroad program.
Planned three educational and cultural activities per day, seven days per week, as well as corresponding assignments.
Taught regular classes on Spanish language and culture.
Planned three meals per day, designing these to introduce the students to new foods and cultural experiences.
Co-Director & Teaching Assistant — Food & Culture in the Hispanic World Study Abroad Program at the University of Washington (Summer 2017 & 2015)
Helped to organize, plan, and implement a study abroad experience for 36 students in San Sebastián, Spain
Designed and taught a class called "Food & Culture in Film & Literature" with the goal of helping students better understand and interact with their surroundings in Spain, and engage in politically and culturally informed discussions upon their return to the Americas.
Instructor, Spanish Language — University of Washington (Sept. 2014 to June 2017)
Taught introductory Spanish-language courses, including SPAN 101, 103, and 201.
Taught and co-designed the syllabus for a class on literature and film, as well as guide and advise students on a daily basis, as Co-director (2017) and Instructor (2015) in a study abroad program in San Sebastián, Spain.
Instructor, Creative Writing — University of Washington (Winter 2016, 2017, & 2018)
Taught and designed the syllabus for three sections of “Writers on Writing,” a 200-level English course (2016-2018).
English Teaching Assistant — Fulbright Fellowship in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia (Jan. 2009 to Oct. 2009)
Designed my own curriculum in English speaking/writing proficiency for classes of 25–40 students, ages 13–18.
Organized extracurricular educational activities, including an English Camp with an environmental awareness theme, field trips, scavenger hunts, and a cultural immersion day. Supervised the debate team and the English Club.
Implemented extracurricular creative writing classes, where many students composed their first poems and stories in English.
Book Editing & Related Literary Experience.
Orange by E. Briskin and Woodland by Knox Gardner, two books published by Entre Ríos Books.
Acquisitions Editor — Entre Ríos Books (June 2018 to present)
Discover the work of innovative Argentinian poets.
Coordinate the publication of translations of Argentinian poets with those poets and their publishers, translators, and representatives.
A book published by Cavendish Square and edited by McCoy.
Book Editor — Freelance for Penguin Random House, Cavendish Square, Wiley, and other publishers (Oct. 2017 to present)
Have edited more than thirty poetry and nonfiction books for adults and young adults to date.
As a Cavendish Square editor:
Manage the work of several authors simultaneously.
Revise full-length book manuscripts from the outlining stage through final book layout.
Collaborate with copyeditors and photo editors to ensure the books’ final production quality.
On-page edits and proofing using Adobe software.
Conduct extensive research for and rewriting of older texts.
Public Relations Manager — Open Books: A Poem Emporium (Sept. 2016 to April 2018)
Promote readings, conversations, and book releases atone of just four poetry-only bookstores in the country.
Plan and initiate community outreach and partnerships to encourage poetry awareness, enjoyment, and sharing.
Identify and harness new income streams.
Increase Open Books’ brand awareness on a local and national level.
Editorial Intern — Sarabande Books, Inc. (Jan. 2010 to May 2010)
Managed general correspondence, including queries, submissions, and review copy requests. Wrote regular blog entries.
Designed the spring newsletter, a flyer, an event program, and educational information sheets. Planned an author tour.